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Re: keymaps in utilities/dbootstrap/kbdconfig.c

Josip Rodin <joy@cibalia.gkvk.hr> writes:

> The new list of keymaps in the file mentioned in subject is broken, it
> includes both country and language names. It should contain either one or
> the other.
> Aside from being inconsistent, this is broken because it will look really
> silly when translated into a language where you write country names
> ucfirst() and language names lcfirst().
> Should/can I fix this?

Well, as for the keymaps themselves, we just follow what is in

As for the names, if it's broken and you can fix and can test the fix
prior to committing, please feel free.

...Adam Di Carlo..<adam@onshore-devel.com>...<URL:http://www.onshored.com/>

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