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Bug#138653: boot-floppies: Language chooser '#' on right hand side looks funny

David Kimdon <dwhedon@debian.org> cum veritate scripsit:

> On the right hand side of the language chooser screen there are ':'s and
> and a '#' in a column.  It is as if the '#' is supposed to line up with
> the current choice, but it doesn't.  The '#' does move down as I move
> the selection down, but at the top it is one row below the current
> choice, and by the time we get to the bottom it is 5 rows below the
> current choice.

I've been browsing the code 
utilities/dbootstrap/langs/lc.c, which has the line:

    lang_list = newtListbox (0, 0, 14, NEWT_FLAG_RETURNEXIT | NEWT_FLAG_SCROLL);

This should probably be conditional depending on the
number of languages (can we determine it at compile-time?)
Apparently, NEWT_FLAG_SCROLL forces having a scroll bar.

dancer@debian.org : Junichi Uekawa   http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer
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