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Bug#132671: sparc disks outdated

severity 132671 important

#include <hallo.h>
Ben Collins [DPL] wrote on Sat Mar 02, 2002 um 08:06:36PM:

> > If nobody wants to build BFs for Sparc, we should just downgrade
> > severities of their bug reports.
> > 
> Uh, someone is building boot-floppies for sparc, we've just been
> waiting for a decent kernel to use.

Since you are waiting for months, we define the issue is not important
enough for beeing RC.

"Unix ist ein Konzept! Windows hat garkeins (oder wo sind die Gemeinsamkeiten
 von Win 3, 9x, und NT?)" -- Lakmal Gunasekara <Gunasekara@t-online.de>

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