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problem in documentation building

I have collected every italian translation of documentation/install.sgml and

I still need some help because I cannot understand why nsgml gives this

nsgmls -ges -wall /usr/share/sgml/debiandoc/dtd/sgml/1.0/debiandoc.dcl install.it.sgml
nsgmls:/etc/sgml/catalog:4:8:W: second argument for SYSTEM entry should be quoted to avoid ambiguity
nsgmls:/etc/sgml/catalog:4:8:W: second argument for SYSTEM entry should be quoted to avoid ambiguity
nsgmls:/etc/sgml/catalog:4:8:W: second argument for SYSTEM entry should be quoted to avoid ambiguity
In entity ch-rescue-boot included from install.it.sgml:148:16
nsgmls:it/rescue-boot.sgml:511:26:E: marked section end not in marked section declaration
nsgmls:it/rescue-boot.sgml:511:26: open elements: DEBIANDOC BOOK[1] CHAPT[1] SECT[1] P[1] (#PCDATA[1])
make[1]: *** [lint] Error 1

so the question is: may I put everything in CVS even if it doesn't compile? If it will be in CVS than
someone could explain what is the error.


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