Re: 3.0.18 testing needed
Hey all,
Some further checking on the ramdisk...
On 2 Jan, this message from Michel Dänzer echoed through cyberspace:
> On Wed, 2002-01-02 at 01:05, Philip Blundell wrote:
>> In message <[🔎]>, Michel Lanners writes:
>> >- trying to use mac-fdisk from a shell, I get this error:
>> >
>> > /sbin/mac-fdisk: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
>> >
>> > Hmmm.. looks like ash tries to execute mac-fdisk as a shell script?
>> Apparently the mac-fdisk binary is corrupted somehow. There's already a bug
>> open on this: I don't know if those builds of boot-floppies were just bad
>> for some reason, or the binary in the archive is actually broken, or something
>> else. One of the PPC folks probably needs to look at it.
I'd suggest rebuilding bf and see if it consistently creates crap.
> daenzer@pismo> file /mnt/sbin/mac-fdisk ~
> /mnt/sbin/mac-fdisk: ELF 32-bit MSB executable, no machine, version 1
> (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped
OK, I get the same.
> daenzer@pismo> /mnt/sbin/mac-fdisk ~
> zsh: exec format error: /mnt/sbin/mac-fdisk
> (1)daenzer@pismo> /mnt/sbin/fdisk ~
> mac-fdisk: bad usage - no device argument
> mac-fdisk [-h|--help]
> mac-fdisk [-v|--version]
> mac-fdisk [-l|--list [name ...]]
> mac-fdisk [-r|--readonly] name ...
> mac-fdisk name ...
Hehehe. Got you ;-)
> So /sbin/mac-fdisk is hosed for some reason, but /sbin/fdisk seems to be
> a working mac-fdisk.
[root@piglet /mnt/jaz]# file sbin/fdisk
sbin/fdisk: Bourne shell script text
Ah? Hmm, let's see:
[root@piglet /mnt/jaz]# cat sbin/fdisk
# fdisk, a wrapper to use the right fdisk on Linux/PowerPC
case "$Arch" in
# if Power Macintosh
/sbin/mac-fdisk $@
exit 0
Thank you for showing us you have a working /sbin/mac-fdisk :-)) Which
also explains why the step 'partioning hd' in debootstrap brings me back
to debootstrap immediately: exit 0!
No, indeed bf only contains mac-fdisk as partitioning tool on Powermac.
And the one in bf-3.0.18-20011221 _is_ hosed.
I re-copied a working one, and now file says this:
[root@piglet /mnt/jaz]# file sbin/mac-fdisk
sbin/mac-fdisk: ELF 32-bit MSB executable, PowerPC or cisco 4500, version 1, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped
Ah, better. Let's try again ;-)
Michel Lanners | " Read Philosophy. Study Art.
23, Rue Paul Henkes | Ask Questions. Make Mistakes.
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