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Chris Tillman <toff@azstarnet.com> writes:

> I saw a message some time ago from a translator which referred to
> these two entities. They are hard wired in defaults.ent to the phrases
> 'Rescue Floppy' and 'Driver Floppies'. This makes them
> untranslateable. The writer suggested simply replacing the entities
> with the phrases so they can be properly translated as part of the
> text. Is there any objection to my doing that? I can't imagine why
> they needed to be entities in the first place.

They used to be dbootstrap messages from the .trm files which already
provided translations.

Apparently these no longer exist as such, so yes, you should probably
de-entityize them.

...Adam Di Carlo..<adam@onshore-devel.com>...<URL:http://www.onshored.com/>

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