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Re: 2 problems with installation regarding network config and boot loaders

Chris Tillman <tillman@azstarnet.com> writes:

> > Proposed solution, either put pppoe in the base install

Too late for that...

> > or provide an 
> > opt out in network configuration.
> Well, you can opt out of it. You just don't get reasonable next-step
> defaults any more, i.e. you have to skip manually down to the
> succeeding steps because the installer is convinced you're crazy.

Actually, I think if you configure your network manually *before* this
step it will be content and skip over it.  It will keep bringing up
the net confrig only if there's not already a network configured.

> > Secondly, I have multiple versions installed on multiple partitions and 
> > GRUB is my friend. There does not appear to be an option (I believe 
> > there used to be) where I can say "I already have a boot loader" and " 
> > no I don't want to install one".
> > 
> > Proposed solution, put an option in the make bootable section for "I 
> > already have a boot loader", or better yet, include grub (probably not 
> > going to happen this late in the release cycle :-/ ).
> You got that right. I'm sure it will be an option (at least) in the
> following release.

It's not a bad idea to add a switch for "skip installing a boot
loader, I'll do it manually" on that screen where it asks what
boot-loader you wanna add.  Anyone care to do this?

...Adam Di Carlo..<adam@onshore-devel.com>...<URL:http://www.onshored.com/>

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