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Bug#123571: Addition for PPC install manual

Package: boot-floppies
Version: 2.2r4

Hi, I wrote up the step-by-step details of getting Debian to
boot on a PowerMac that didn't want to load the rescue
floppy (it would load for a while, then eject the floppy
and boot from the harddrive). Anyways, I thought the BootX docs
were kind of sparse, so perhaps this will help:

[Note: I'm a PC user with very little Mac experience, so please
       edit this as needed to correct my terminology.]

I have a PowerMac 6500, MacOS 8.6, that refuses to boot off
of the Debian rescue disk to start an installation. Here's what
I did to get it to work (tested with Debian 2.2r4, aka "potato"):

1. Put the Debian CDROM #1 in the drive and open it.
   Open these folders:

     dists -> potato -> main -> disks-powerpc ->
       2.2.23-2001-04-15 -> powermac

   (The name "2.2.23-2001-04-15" will change based on release,
    but there is only folder at that level, so it's easy
    to figure out.)

   Keep this window opened (the "powermac" folder).

2. Double-click BootX_1.2.2.sit. Click "OK" when the error
   box appears. Choose a folder to extract BootX to - on
   my system, I extracted to the harddrive named "untitled".

3. Open the "untitled" harddrive (or wherever you extracted
   BootX_1.2.2.sit). Open the folder "BootX 1.2.2" and do
   the following:
     a. Drag the folder named "Linux Kernels" to your System Folder (for
        me it's "untitled" -> "System Folder").
     b. Drag the file "BootX Extension" to your extensions folder
        (for me, it's "untitled" -> "System Folder" -> "Extensions").

4. From the "powermac" folder (of step 1), drag the files "linux" and
   "ramdisk.image.gz" to "System Folder -> Linux Kernels".

5. In the "BootX 1.2.2" folder, doubleclick "BootX App".

6. Click "Options ..." then click "Use specified RAM disk". When
   the file chooser appears, select "System Folder -> Linux Kernels ->

   (Note: The "Kernel:" box should already say "linux")

7. Turn on the option "No video driver".

8. Click "Save to prefs".

9. Click the "Linux" button under "Choose your OS".

Linux should now boot and the Debian installation menu will appear.

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