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woody install on ss10

please also cc your answers to my email address because I'm not
subscribed to this list. thanks.

I tried to install woody on my ss10 sparc today. - it worked... but I 
had troubles with it...  (I install over serial line)

first... every time the ethernet is coming up my terminal is destroyed.
(who needs a serial terminal anyway...)

the really interesting part was that /etc/inittab had to be modified to
start the configuration tools (and later the getty) on the right
interface because by default it only starts them on tty1 to tty5
(which don't exist)

Is this known? - let me tell you... it's rather unuseable in that state...

I thought installing debian on my sparc would be a non-issue... but
it seems that I was wrong and I needed about 5 hours to get it working.

I hope you can fix these behaviour. thanks.

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