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Re: new debootstrap NMU for testing

Hi all,

> Try it out, let me know of any other easy stuff that will make users'
> lives easier...

I just want to report on things that went wrong with debootstrap for me
and what I had to do to fix them:

Usually I would run debootstrap on my woody-box like

# debootstrap sid ./target http://my-mirror/debian

(with gcc for dpkg --print-architecture installed).

Since some time last week (I can't nail this down more exactly
unfortunately) when I do the same I get:

-- snip --
# debootstrap sid ./target http://my-mirror/debian
I: Retrieving http://my-mirror/debian/dists/sid/Release
/usr/sbin/debootstrap: 0 +  : syntax error: operand expected (error token
is " ")
-- snap --

Some people I know running woody boxes tried the same, with the same
result (on a potato boxes where I built debootstrap from source no


# debootstrap --arch i386 sid ./target http://breughel/debian/

everything worked just fine. To check whether this error still occurs, I
installed debootstrap_0.1.15.7_i386.deb (and wget + gcc) in this chroot
and tried it (on a "broken" box) from there. Everything worked fine, even
without --arch.

Kind regards,

ruehmkorf at informatik dot uni hyphen koeln dot de

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