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Re: b-f 3.0.14 and the Hurd.

Philip Charles <philipc@copyleft.co.nz> writes:

> Not by choice, but because of the limitations of the Hurd at this stage of
> its development.  At the moment the base*.tgz (the Hurd tarball) is built
> using Linux on a Hurd filesystem.  b-f (Linux i386 flavour) is used to
> partition the HDD (no partitioning tools yet), create the Hurd f-s and
> unpack the tarball onto it.  Crazy, but it works.

IC.  It actually makes sense to me. :)

> I am trying to keep running parallel to b-f and debian-cd versions as they
> emerge so that the Hurd and Linux versions can be merged when the time
> comes.

Since you guys aren't planning on releasing with Woody, might I
suggest you put some effort towards working through the
debian-installer?  Hopefully it's flexible enough to do what you want.

> So please excuse my bad temper a few weeks ago when I discovered that
> base*.tgz had gone.  However, it is back again in the Hurd version after
> considerable butchery of the code.

A lot of people felt that way. :)

Well, we still need to have some way for it to be in the archive in a
well-known location, at least AFAIK.

...Adam Di Carlo..<adam@onshore-devel.com>...<URL:http://www.onshored.com/>

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