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Where O where is my basedebs.tgz?



Ethan recommended:

> all you should have to do is leave the basedebs.tgz next to your rescue.bin
> file.  then when the installer asks where the archive is tell it the
> directory containing the basedebs.tgz tarball (sitting next to rescue.bin).

So, shouldn't we generate basedebs.tgz during the b-f build to go into the
images-1.44 folder for each arch?

btw, the links previously given on the list for basedebs.tgz such as


are broke.

|  .''`.  |   Debian GNU/Linux: <http://www.debian.org>          |
| : :'  : |   debian-imac: <http://debian-imac.sourceforge.net>  |
| `. `'`  |           Chris Tillman                              |
|   `-    |           tillman@azstarnet.com                      |

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