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Re: debian-reiserfs boot floppies

curt brune <curt@SLAC.Stanford.EDU> writes:

> I saw your web page about the debian-reiserfs boot floppies.  I was
> wondering what version of reiserfs you used for the floppies.  
> Has anyone made reiserfs boot floppies with the 2.2.19 kernel?

Yes, that's what we're using.

> I don't need woody boot floppies (would be nice, but no necessary) -- potato 
> will do fine, as woody is just an "apt-get dist-upgrade" away once I get 
> potato going.

Well, you don' thave much choice, because we're only working on woody

> General question:  Where would I begin if I needed support for a specific
> piece of hardware?  Let's say I have a kernel patch from the vendor  -- I
> want to make a boot floppy that uses this kernel.  How do I do that?

Read the chapter of the installation manual about replacing the

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onshore.com.....<URL:http://www.onshored.com/>

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