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Bug#126370: installer issues on "real" terminals

In message <[🔎] 200112251506.fBPF6X2e013792@laberl.tahina.priv.at>, christian mock 
>I just tried the install once more, in debug mode. /var/log/syslog =
>says "serial console found on line 0", so that seems to work.
>after installing the base system (and a brief flashing of "base =
>system installed successfully"), dbootstrap exits and gets restarted =
>by init. The last log message before that is "running cmd 'cp /etc/
>inittab.install /target/etc/inittab'"; from following the program's =
>logic, configure_base() apparently gets called and gets to call =
>write_fstab(), as the /target/etc/fstab does exist and reflects the =
>partitioning. It seems to crash or exit afterwards.

Hmm.  I wonder if this was the same problem as #124117, or something else.
Can you try with boot-floppies 3.0.18 and see if it still happens?


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