Re: Basedebs.tgz documentation
On Thu, 2001-12-20 at 22:35, Chris Tillman wrote:
> A few months ago I put together a Debian floppy-maker script for usage
> on powerpc. The script depends on the MacOS-provided Applescript
> 'shell' and the scriptable Disk Copy program. The point was made
> before, that since these MacOS programs are not free (they come with
> all MacOS distributions), a script depending on them would not be
> Debian-distributable.
Is the software that would be in the Debian archives itself free
software, disregarding its dependency on non-free software? If so, I
don't see what the problem would be with distributing it. (However, I
don't speak for the ftp-masters, who are presumably the ones who would
ultimately decide).
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