Processed: b-f bug mixing
Processing commands for
> tags 108477 - potato
Bug#108477: dbootstrap displays superflous error message
Tags removed: potato
> severity 108477 serious
Bug#108477: dbootstrap displays superflous error message
Severity set to `serious'.
> merge 108477 123926
Bug#108477: dbootstrap displays superflous error message
Bug#123926: "install from harddisk" option doesn't work right
Merged 108477 123926.
> tags 67913 + pending
Bug#67913: Handling of non-English characters screwed up
Tags added: pending
> tags 113785 + pending
Bug#113785: Are "woody" and "sid" hard coded into boot-floppies?
Tags added: pending
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)
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