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Bug#123974: FWD: Bug#123974: post-boot network install fails because dhcp was not run

"Tom Wzietek" <tom.w@myrealbox.com> writes:

> My point is: it should be started automatically. I'm referring to the
> first time logon after base installation, when base-config is run on
> the first console.

My point is: It *is* started automatically.  For everyone but you.  My
job is to find how, why are you different?  What went wrong?

I need to see 'installer.log'.

> A new user installing over the network would not
> know that they need to switch to another console and issue additional
> commands to continue with the installation -- otherwise the installer
> would produce errors.

They don't have to do this -- don't put words in my mouth please.

> Indeed, it may not be classified as a bug. The bottom line is though,
> that "out-of-the-box" woody installation over the network stops at
> the base-config stage unless users know that the network interface
> is not brought up automatically. I suggest that the network configuration
> set up during base system installation be stored and read after reboot
> before further package installation through dselect.

It already is.

...Adam Di Carlo..<adam@onshore-devel.com>...<URL:http://www.onshored.com/>

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