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3.0.18 update

Adam Di Carlo <adam@onshore-devel.com> writes:

> I'm building 3.0.18 from source now in the hopes that Bug#124117 has
> been fixed yesterday.
> Please do not add entries to the 3.0.18 changelog at this point.  In
> fact, please don't commit anything right now unless that's a critical
> fix for 3.0.18.  Just hold it for a day or two.

Ok, I'm thawing it a touch.  If you have *tested* changes you can put
them in; I'm esp. interested in things that fix important/serious

The status right now is that extract_base is still segfaulting after
installing base.  We're trying our hardest to try to get a core file.
I suggest folks who can try to do this:

  cd utilities/dbootstrap
  make LC=true DEBUG=true extract_base_test

Then, run extract_base_test, either in chrootin, within the install
system, whatever.

We need to cause this fault, get a core, and track it down.

...Adam Di Carlo..<adam@onshore-devel.com>...<URL:http://www.onshored.com/>

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