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the fscking flashing screen problem

I can only conclude that the "flashing screen" dbootstraps which are
being built are due to folks who are building with one library
(libnewt generally, another possibility is libslang) but the rootdisk
uses a different library.

I have also noticed that for, say, the vanilla kernel, it must be
linking against libnewt (non-utf8) since that's what's installed (and
not libnewt0), but yet what is downloaded for the root partition is
the non-utf8 libnewt0 !  I've got a fix for this.

As for why my i18n powerpc build is flashing like this, I've just
discovered that I've got a mismatched install:

ii  libnewt-utf8-0 0.50.17-7.3    newt - text mode windowing with slang, with 
ii  libnewt-utf8-p 0.50.17-7      newt shared library subset kit, with utf8 su

Oops!  Fixing this and rebuilding.

...Adam Di Carlo..<adam@onshore-devel.com>...<URL:http://www.onshored.com/>

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