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Re: Debian Won't Install! (System Locks Up)

No, I have no idea why your keyboard wouldn't work. If it's
hard-bombing the whole installer (for instance, you can't get to tty2)
then it's probably a kernel/hardware issue.

There's not much we can do on this list about such kernel issues --
kernels are maintained by someone else.  I would suggest asking about
it on the debian-user list or perhaps filing a bug against the kernel.

FYI, have you tried booting from CDs #2 or #3?

Regarding woody CDs, yes, you can get testing CDs from most vendors,
see www.debian.org.  I just installed 2 days ago using one, and it
worked great (but then again, potato works great for me too).

...Adam Di Carlo..<adam@onshore-devel.com>...<URL:http://www.onshored.com/>

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