Re: add mini-CD images to build?
Philip Blundell <> writes:
> I wonder if there would be any mileage in having boot-floppies build a set of
> minimalist i386 CD images that included just images-2.88/rescue.bin and
> drivers.tgz for each of the flavours.
> This would allow people to boot off a CD and get far enough to configure
> their network and use that to install subsequent stuff such as base. At the
> moment, to reach that point you need at least two floppy disks; if your network
> card requires a module from the driver disks, that's up to four more.
> These are tedious to create, and no use at all if your computer doesn't have
> a floppy drive (as many don't, these days).
I think this would be the job of the debian-cd folks, not us, wouldn't it?
I don't wanna take any new tasks or responsibilities at this
point... Perhaps an idea for sid?
...Adam Di Carlo..<>...<URL:>
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