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Re: install debian on a running rh box

* "KORN Andras" 

| Having statically linked versions of apt and dpkg, combined with perhaps
| sash, would probably allow you to replace a running system with Debian (as
| overwriting libraries would pose no threat). I haven't tried this since the
| 'bo' adventure outlined above, though. Has anyone else?

I have, with nothing statically linked except for sash.  It was quite
fun, at least the second time.

The first time was on my home computer, which doesn't have a floppy
drive, and won't boot from either of the cds.  'rpm -e glibc' is cool
to type; similar to 'rm -rf /', I imagine.

I am not sure whether you are interested in the gory details -- It's
really not that hard.  You need to have a non-broken ar (which I
hadn't; I only had the one from sash which was broken at the time) and
grab the relevant libraries and dpkg.  rpm -e the different parts of
the running system while replacing them with their deb counterparts
immediately afterwards.


Tollef Fog Heen
Axiom #1: You Can't Win

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