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Re: b-f 3.0.16 preparing

#include <hallo.h>
Adam Di Carlo wrote on Sat Oct 20, 2001 um 03:55:58AM:

> debootstrap with better progress monitoring (yet to be NMU'd until I
> test it more).
> So if you have some stuff that needs to get in, get it in.  I'll
> probably release 3.0.16 sometime over the weekend.

Please note the current kernel security bugs. The fixed kernel source
(2.2.19) is in incomming. I am now building the fixed udma100-ext3
package and upload soon. I reported also a critical bug on the reiserfs
kernel. The maintainer is busy (took days to get an answer when I
discussed with him), so if he won't react until tommorow morning, I will
do an NMU. People building BFs for non-i386 should also make sure that
they are using the fixed kernel images.

Die Berylliumsalze, die - besonders inhaliert - ausserordentlich
giftig sind und krebserregend wirken, schmecken suess. 
(Aus: "Lehrbuch der Anorganischen Chemie" von Holleman und Wiberg)

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