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Re: Still no base tarball

Yes, Dale can be a little, uh, less than diplomatic when requesting
things get done.  But lets put all that aside and try to get this
issue taken care of.

I would think the best thing is that the base building should be
incorportated in debootstrap's debian/rules, perhaps as a special
"pseudo-package", not built by default, which make the basedebs.tgz or
whatever as well as creates a *.changes file with ByHand entries.

At any rate, we definately need soem sort of upload with *.dsc and
*.changes file and such (rather like the bf-* stuff that boot-floppies

AJ, are you able to whack at this?  Or should I or someone else have a

...Adam Di Carlo..<adam@onshore-devel.com>...<URL:http://www.onshored.com/>

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