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Re: bootfloppy changes for s390

Gerhard Tonn <GerhardTonn@swol.de> writes:

> Could we fix it by adding "/root" and changing bash to sh?

Yes, hmm, that sounds pretty harmless.

> The disk formatting utilities for s390 are called dasdfmt and fdasd instead 
> of fdisk. Is it okay to grep for "fdisk\|fdasd\|dasdfmt" instead of fdisk in 
> documentation/Makefile, when the fdisk flavour is determined?

Um.  I dunno.  Send patches before committing and I can review it.

> A final question is whether I have CVS write access as Debian developer or if 
> could get it.

Yes, you do.

Please feel free to commit things which are tested *or* which only
affect s390.  But be careful of breaking other arches.

...Adam Di Carlo..<adam@onshore-devel.com>...<URL:http://www.onshored.com/>

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