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Re: Install Success - Not Quite

>> Well I guess I jumped the gun, the m68k install didn't quite finish. It
>> downloaded all the packages for base, unpacked them all, then stopped during
>> 'Install essential packages'. I tried it twice and it stops in the same
>> place. no error messages, terminal 2 also freezes up. You can type a command
>> but it doesn't respond. No disk activity.
> Are you having more than a single SCSI disk in use? There's a SCSI
> driver option to run without disconnects which helps tremendously on
> these Macs, might even help with a single SCSI device. mac53c9x=1,0 or
> something like that.
>  Michael

Yes, I guess I should have mentioned that! I'm installing on an external
SCSI disk. I'm pretty new here though, are you talking about compiling an
option into the kernel? Or just adding a parameter when booting?

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| `. `'`  |      . oo       Chris Tillman                        |
|   `-    |     (   -)      tillman@azstarnet.com                |

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