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cvs commit to tasksel/debian by joeyh

Repository: tasksel/debian
who:        joeyh
time:       Thu May 17 19:02:02 PDT 2001

Log Message:

My changes:
  * Added support for task description files.
  * Read in /usr/share/tasksel/debian-tasks.desc as a task description
  * Added makedesc.pl, a program to generate a task description file from
    a set of task descriptions.
  * Got rid of all the name prettification code since it is no longer used
  * Killed filterdescription, the task packages in woody actually don't
    have that problem anymore.
  * Don't move cursor to the right after a task is selected.
  * Removed unused tasksel.man from source package (keep pod).
  * Fixed an obscure bug if a task package happened to be the last thing in
    the available file.
  * Enable debug mode by default, but turn it off when building from the
    rules file.

Aj's changes:
  * Use "Section:" fields to break tasks into different sections. Have a
    hardcoded list of default sections, with a defined order; remaining
    sections get added to the end, in alphabetical order. Sections that
    don't match "tasks-*" are ignored.
  * "tasksel install foo bar baz" as a replacement for "apt-get install
    task-foo task-bar task-baz"
  * Increase the size of the "apt-get install" command line buffer.


changed:    changelog control dirs rules

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