Bug#65988: marked as done (modules unavailable because of wierd symlink)
Your message dated 14 Jul 2000 13:52:25 -0400
with message-id <oapuogd2g6.fsf@arroz.fake>
and subject line bugs closed in boot-floppies (2.2.16)
has caused the attached Bug report to be marked as done.
This means that you claim that the problem has been dealt with.
If this is not the case it is now your responsibility to reopen the
Bug report if necessary, and/or fix the problem forthwith.
(NB: If you are a system administrator and have no idea what I am
talking about this indicates a serious mail system misconfiguration
somewhere. Please contact me immediately.)
Darren Benham
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)
Received: (at submit) by bugs.debian.org; 20 Jun 2000 21:34:24 +0000
>From kbullock@mpls.episcopalmn.org Tue Jun 20 16:34:24 2000
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id 134Vd1-0000E5-00; Tue, 20 Jun 2000 16:32:15 -0500
From: kbullock <kbullock@ringworld.org>
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
Subject: modules unavailable because of wierd symlink
X-Reportbug-Version: 0.57
X-Mailer: reportbug 0.57
Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 16:32:15 -0500
Message-Id: <E134Vd1-0000E5-00@belter>
Sender: Kevin Bullock <kbullock@mpls.episcopalmn.org>
Delivered-To: submit@bugs.debian.org
Package: boot-floppies
Version: N/A; reported 2000-06-20
Severity: grave
Using the potato boot-floppied version 2.2.15-2000-06-07, I installed my
system from five floppies and the Internet. After the driver disks had been
loaded into the ramdisk, I went to install modules, but there were none in
the list. After poking around I discovered that /lib/modules was a symlink
to itself, and /lib/modules.old contained the modules. 'rm modules; mv
modules.old modules' took care of the problem.
-- System Information
Debian Release: 2.2
Architecture: i386
Kernel: Linux belter 2.2.16 #1 Fri Jun 9 16:16:20 CDT 2000 i586
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Subject: bugs closed in boot-floppies (2.2.16)
From: Adam Di Carlo <adam@onshore.com>
Date: 14 Jul 2000 13:52:25 -0400
Message-ID: <oapuogd2g6.fsf@arroz.fake>
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Your bug has been fix, or should be fixed, in boot-floppies 2.2.16
from Potato. Please let us know if not.
boot-floppies (2.2.16) frozen unstable; urgency=medium
* i386 kernel upped to 2.2.17
* new modutils fixes problems where modules aren't accepting arguments,
since boot-floppies doesn't provide /bin/bash (closes: Bug#65515)
* Randolph Chung: RC bugs closed: (closes: Bug#65988, Bug#66284)
* Ben Collins <bcollins@debian.org>
- tar.c: removed problematic and redundant code that was causing perm
- kbdconfig.c: make prefix use trailing '/' so the print doesn't need
it; sparc uses "" for prefix, and the printf wasn't ending up right
(closes: Bug#65431)
- up sparc to 2.2.17 kernel
* Petr Cech <cech@debian.org>
- scripts/dos/install*.bat: add disksize and flavor where appropriate
- PACKAGES_all: add perl-base, it's essential
- Czech updates
* Adam Di Carlo
- releases.sh: i386 kernel config should go in images-1.44 and
images-2.88, which is how it is already documented
- install-manual: suggest dd uses bs=1024 rather than bs=512
(closes: Bug#65431)
- rescue: add info on how to disable fb in f5.txt
- documentation: fix some translations' SGML validity; skip build of
Polish documentation since it is not yet supported by debiandoc-sgml
* Karl M. Hegbloom <karlheg@debian.org>
- install-manual: normalize markup, some additional examples in the
- dbootstrap: fix net-fetch method when resuming broken connections;
when choosing medium, will not prompt with menu when there is only 1
CD; make more operations interruptable, such as DNS lookups and NFS
* Christian T. Steigies <cts@debian.org>
- base (m68k): create hdc and hdd devices
- documentation updates (still not merged)
- release: m68k organizational improvements; include AmigaOS dmsg
tool; Penguin files are now in $release/mac, can be used as-is for
* Daniel Jacobowitz
- base: work around makedev bugs on PowerPC
* Taketoshi Sano
- dbootstrap: revert if /etc/default/rcS is already modified to use
localtime (closes: Bug#65933); fix typos preventing language-chooser
* Josip Rodin
- release-notes: updates and corrections, esp. on split packages
- documentation: supports-rarp conditional changes
- Croatian updates
* Beiad Ian Q. Dalton: some unintegrated notes on how to work around
booting on LS-120 drives
* Ethan Benson
- documentation for how to deal with iBooks and iMacs and other
"new world Macintosh" models
* Bruce Sass
- more documentation updates and integration
* Vincent Renardias: French updates
* Marcin Owsiany <porridge@pandora.info.bielsko.pl>: Polish updates
* Peter Karlsson: Swedish updates
* Michael Sobolev: Russian updates
* Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS: Esperanto updates
* Risko Gergely <risko@njszki.hu>: Hungarian updates
.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>
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