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A question about LILO limitations text in partition_config.c


According to cvs, it was you who entered that large text about LILO
limitations.  I have a question about formatting of that text: why have you
formatted in manually?  I mean, why you typed the text like it is in
the cvs tree:

"Lilo, the LInux LOader, when installed in the Master Boot Record,\n"
"(MBR) and the alternative `mbr' program both have support for large\n"
"disks if you have a modern (newer than early 1994-98) BIOS that\n"
"supports LBA and the \"Enhanced Disk Drive Support Specification\".\n"
"Therefore, if you are certain that your BIOS supports the int 0x13\n"
"large disk access extensions, you may partition your drive however you\n"

and not

"Lilo, the LInux LOader, when installed in the Master Boot Record, "
"(MBR) and the alternative `mbr' program both have support for large "
"disks if you have a modern (newer than early 1994-98) BIOS that "
"supports LBA and the \"Enhanced Disk Drive Support Specification\". "
"Therefore, if you are certain that your BIOS supports the int 0x13 "
"large disk access extensions, you may partition your drive however you "

I may just be missing something obvious, but at the moment I am pretty sure
wideMessageBox reformats the text...



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