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Re: Formal objection: Changing how the testing of potato works would invalidate the whole test. So please don't change it.

Adam Di Carlo wrote:
> I would just continue with the current cycle, but knowing we'll have
> to do another cycle.
> I say this because i386 (at least) has to go from 2.2.15pre20 to
> 2.2.15 (release) and generally that process involves at least 3 people
> and takes around a week, so I just don't know if a boot-floppies can
> be ready with this kernel in time.

One thing I've been wondering -- by my count, the test cycle is already
nearly 2 weeks old. Is it going to end after 2 weeks, which probably
means around wednesday, or are we going to continue it a bit since it was
late getting off the ground?

> My argument boils down to the fact that it will take a week or two to
> start the next cycle anyhow, so why not just proceed with this one as
> plan.

Right. Of course it would be _very_ nice if boot-floppies could be all
ready at the beginning of the next test cycle (or a day or two in at
least). That 1 week delay you speak of to get the next iteration of
boot-floppies ready would sort of put a crimp in the next test cycle

> The next cycle should include the following packages for
> boot-floppies, btw:
>   tasksel 1.0-9 (or better)  (i18n)
>   kernel-image-2.2.15-2 (adaptec fixes, Bug#63946)
> Uh, that's it.  I guess the new apt looks ok too -- seems like that's
> needed for CD-ROM ?

We may need a new base-config, but I'm not sure. The only possibly RC
bigfix in it is calling anXious -- Randolph, is that RC?

> Regarding the handling of this whole thing, I think we should treat
> potato rather like we treat the updates to stable.  To wit, perhaps we
> could distinguish between Incoming and 'proposed-frozen-updates' ?  I
> dunno, just a thought.  That would those who care (boot-floppies, cd
> team) get a jump on the next cycle, with a reasonable expectation of
> the packages that will be in it.
> -- 
> .....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>
> -- 
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see shy jo

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