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Re: boot-floppies 2.2.9 and Debian CD's...

Ben Collins <bcollins@debian.org> writes:

> Right now I have dbootstrap setup to detect the "cdrom_install" and if it
> sees that, tells the user they should choose "cdrom" method. We could
> bypass this altogether, unless we are in expert mode. Would make for a
> nice clean install via cdrom.

Hmm... yes, you could either do it automatically by default, and
require 'verbose' to prompt, or you could also inhibit the dialog
completely if we're in 'quiet' mode. 

Just so you know the options and modalities to choose from.

> I don't think we should make it check for cdrom by default for
> everything, since there may be issues with the persons cdrom, and
> they want to avoid it.

I could see that.

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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