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putting debian-boot into freeze

I'd really like to freeze boot-floppies.  However, freeze for us is
going to work a bit differently than freeze for the distribution as a
whole. This is what I'd like to do:

  - no major feature changes or structural w/o prior discussion and
    agreement, hopefully in the form of patches sent here (or branches
    on the CVS tree is fine too)

  - this also means do *not* go changing globals in dbootstrap w/o
    patches and discusssion on this list

As an exception to this there are still several rather deep issues I'm
hoping we can solve for potato:

  - udma66 and compact-no-scsi (or whatever it's called) flavors for

  - i18n for 8-bit character sets (can someone say "language

  - m68k port of course, and anything needed for that

  - wasn't someone implementing a snarf interface alternative to the
    net-fetch stuff?

In addition, still recognized as needing major work:

  - any documentation or message changes

In summary, this is largely discretionary.  Please be conservative in
what patches you commit; if in doubt, post patches to this list.

Use the [PATCH] keywork in subject lines.

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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