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Re: Promise Ultra 66

karlheg@bittersweet.inetarena.com (Karl M. Hegbloom) writes:

>> The bootfloppies for Slink don't handle UDMA66. You need to use
>> bootfloppies with a kernel on them that's patched for UDMA66
>> support (using the IDE patches from
>> ftp.kernel.org:/pub/linux/kernel/people/hedrick/). I'm not sure if
>> potato's bootfloppies (will) support UDMA66.

>  Oh, so _that_ is what the "ide" kernel is for.  I wish the long
>  description in the package would at least describe what it's for...
>  Should we create another flavor "ide"?

Yes -- tausq is working on a no-scsi flavor and the ide flavor.  We
already have the kernel and pcmcia modules in potato for the ide patch
flavor.  Randolph had a good name for it... I think maybe the name was
-idepatch or -udma66.

So hopefully we will have this ready soon.

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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