Bug#54130: marked as done (netfetch crash)
Your message dated 15 Mar 2000 03:04:14 -0500
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has caused the attached Bug report to be marked as done.
This means that you claim that the problem has been dealt with.
If this is not the case it is now your responsibility to reopen the
Bug report if necessary, and/or fix the problem forthwith.
(NB: If you are a system administrator and have no idea what I am
talking about this indicates a serious mail system misconfiguration
somewhere. Please contact me immediately.)
Darren Benham
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)
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Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2000 10:42:52 -0500
To: submit@bugs.debian.org
From: James Deikun <james@netcsi.com>
Subject: netfetch crash
Package: boot-floppies
Version: 2.2.4
Severity: normal
>Complete installations. Especially the new 'net-fetch' installation
>technique. Ignore the 'network' installation technique, that
>shouldn't be in there I think.
>From netfetch I get one of two outcomes:
dialog box titled 'Error 404' with text 'HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found', then
dialog box titled 'Problem' with text 'nf_http_fetchfile :: file download
failed, HTTP OK not received', then
dialog box titled 'Problem' with text 'nf_install_os :: download of file
base2_2.tgz failed'
return to main menu
starts downloading:
Fetching base2_2.tgz
Server http://http.us.debian.org:80/
Path dists/potato/main/disks-i386/current
Proxy none
File size 13361781 bytes
followed by Bytes read, Rate, ETA and progress bar. I can confirm that
base2_2.tgz is being loaded into /target/tmp
Some time (usually well after it's half-done, often just before completion),
dbootstrap will suddenly die with a bus error.
I am installing on a Cyrix 6x86-150 system with ISA (!) SCSI card using
aha1542 driver, also have one sound card and one sofar unidentified card in
ISA slots. my 2 HD's are installed on SCSI, a 200-something megger with my
old (running perfectly) slink system (Maxtor 7345-SCSI) and a 1GB Quantum
Fireball 1080S (sdb) onto which I am installing my new root. CD-ROM and an
internal Zip drive are on IDE. On PCI I have my net card (3Com 3C900
10bTPO) and ATI Mach64 GT Rage II VGA controller.
After configuring a swap partition (old one from slink) and initializing
and mounting sdb1 I installed drivers from floppies and configured the
3c59x net driver (which I was using in slink) and configure correct network
settings (netmask, all 1's bcast address, gateway = bcast -
1, two nameservers separated by a space, /dev/eth0). then I get these
James Deikun, Techie(tm), CSI Multimedia
The opinions expressed &c.
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Subject: bugs fixed in previous upload
From: Adam Di Carlo <adam@onshore.com>
Date: 15 Mar 2000 03:04:14 -0500
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We believe the bug you reported has been fixed as of the Potato boot flopppies,
version 2.2.8. Please let us know if not.
Remember that often bugs are filed against boot-floppies, when the should
be filed against modconf, base-config, kernel-image-2.2.14, or other
related packages. Please do you best to track down which package is the
culprit when creating bugs.
.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>
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