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Re: [CVS] `br_woody_exp' created, I'm a GNU rewrite the Makefiles.

>  Oh.  Does the fb X server work on all architectures where a frame
>  buffer works?
>  On the i386, at least on this machine, the vesa framebuffer is really
>  lousy.  The vertical refresh rate is right around 60Hz, and that's so
>  flickery I get headaches in less than an hour at it.  (It would be
>  worse in flourescent lighting.)

No, it will probably not work on sparc. I am not suggesting to use a
framebuffer X server. I am suggesting to use a framebuffer library to
directly use the fb device. This will be smaller, faster, and less
overhead to maintain than an X install.

The code in boot-floppies CVS for bogl seems to be headed in the right
direction. Write a small windowing library for fb, merge it with the
dialog style we have now, then dbootstrap would init() that library (which
could check whether it is possible to use fb, or revert to dialog, or
force an option via boot command line). After that, each call to the
library would be handled by it, and dbootstrap can be ignorant of all of
it. Heck, even debconf could have a backend for it, to make it all


/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \
`     bcollins@debian.org  --  bcollins@openldap.org  --  bmc@visi.net     '

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