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Re: installation of `standard' packages comes as a surprise

On Mon, Feb 28, 2000 at 10:17:37PM -0800 , Eric Hanchrow wrote:
> After dbootstrap installs the base system for me, and I reboot, the
> Debian Task Installer gives me the option of choosing "task packages"
> to install.  If I choose "Quit" without having selected any packages,
> I see about 50 packages getting installed (I assume these are the
> "required" packages).  Then the installation process stops, without a
> word, and I'm looking at the "login:" prompt.  Nothing wrong with
> that, I suppose.  But then, if I log in, run `deslect', choose
> `[S]elect', hit Space, then Enter, I see 68 *more* packages --
> presumably the Standard ones -- which I have yet to install.  This is
> weird.  Why weren't these packages installed when I initially
> installed Debian?

You didn't say, they should be. That's the [Q]uit above.

> I think this is confusing, especially to first-time users.  They may
> have run dselect to get just one or two packages, and they will be
> surprised to see 68 packages that they didn't ask for.

Come on, newbies won't mess with dselect (or it's upto them) and will select
some tasks.

> Is this a bug, or am I misunderstanding something?

minimal install

				Petr Cech
Debian GNU/Linux maintainer - www.debian.{org,cz}

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