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Re: miscellaneous problems and questions

Hi, Kirk.

In article <[🔎] m12OKx4-0013o8C@braille.uwo.ca>,
  at Fri, 25 Feb 2000 08:38:38 -0500 (EST),
    on miscellaneous problems and questions,
 Kirk Reiser <kirk@braille.uwo.ca> writes:

> The top level README states that you need only be root to do the make
> release.  I ran make check as myself and received some
> errors/warnings, not exactly sure what they are and said it was
> successful.  It was not though and when I ran it as root it told me
> what I was missing to build the package.  Here is my output from make
> check as myself:
> sed: Unknown option to 's'

This message seems to come from line 106 in TOPDIR Makefile:

    102 #### alpha part
    103 # This actually just gets the first one 
    104 kernelalpha             := $(shell $(pathcmd:P=kernel-image-$(kver)-*.deb))
    105 first_alpha_arch        := $(shell echo $(kernelalpha) \
    106         | sed -e 's/.*kernel-image-$(kver)-// ; s/_.*//')
    107 alpha_arches            := generic alcor avanti cabriolet eb164 eb64p \
    108         eb66 eb66p jensen lx164 miata-s miata mikasa noname noritake-p \
    109         noritake p2k pc164 rawhide ruffian rx164 \
    110         sable-g sable sx164 takara
    111 alpha_rescue_targets    := $(alpha_arches:%=resc1440_%.bin)
    112 alpha_drivers_targets   := $(alpha_arches:%=drv1440_%.bin)

pathcmd is defined as

pathcmd         = ls -1ft updates/P $(local_dir)/P $(archive)/base/P $(archive)/
admin/P $(archive)/devel/P $(archive)/utils/P 2>/dev/null | head -1

and kver is 2.2.14 for alpha.

Can you check the value in "kernelalpha" using

 ls -1ft updates/kernel-image-2.2.14-*.deb \
   /archive/debian/local/kernel-image-2.2.14-*.deb \
   /archive/debian/base/kernel-image-2.2.14-*.deb \
   /archive/debian/devel/kernel-image-2.2.14-*.deb \
   /archive/debian/utils/kernel-image-2.2.14-*.deb |head -1

at boot-floppies/ dir ?

# /archive/debian can be a symbolic link for your local archive (mirror)

> [ -d updates ] || mkdir -p updates
> ./check_mirror.sh /var/spool/ftp/pub/linux/debian/dists/potato/main/binary-i386
> checking packages needed in the root disk
> checking packages needed in the base system
> checking packages needed for kernel images
> checking boot-floppies dependancies
> sed: Unknown option to 's'

This message seems to come from line 186 in Makefile:

    182 # Are our depends satisfied?  (i.e., for people using CVS)
    183 check_depends:
    184         @echo checking boot-floppies dependancies
    185         @perl -e \
    186           '$$_=`sed -n s/^Depends://Ip debian/control`."$(depends_checks)"; \
    187            $$/="\n\n"; y/,/ /; s/\(.*?\)//g; @M{split()}=""; while (<>){ \
    188              /^Status: \S+ \S+ installed$$/ms or next; \
    189              delete $$M{$$1} if /^Package: (\S+)/ms; \
    190              delete @M{split(/ *, */,$$1)} if /^Provides: (.+?)$$/ms; \
    191            } foreach my $$m (keys %M) { print "  didn'\''t find $$m\n" } \
    192            exit 1 if %M' /var/lib/dpkg/status

I don't know why your sed can not understand 's/^Depends://Ip'.
info sed shows I is a GNU extention, so if you cut GNU extention
from sed, then the messsage may come up, but you wrote that you
use the standard sed.

> checking stuff in ./tools
> check successful

just FYI.

  Taketoshi Sano: <sano@debian.org>,<sano@debian.or.jp>,<kgh12351@nifty.ne.jp>

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