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Re: [boot-floppies] `mke2fs' and new Linux 2.2 ext2 features ?

Bruce Sass <bsass@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca> writes:

> How is this issue going to affect the users?

It's hard for us to say exactly.  Hence, I tend to be rather

> E.g.: Can one boot up a slink system then access a /home directory on a
> potato built fs.

If the 2.2 ext2fs features are enabled, no, I don't believe you could.
I'm leaving those features off by default...

> Is there a documented right way and wrong way of
> upgrading to the new filesystem features.

I don't know -- you'd have to take it up with the e2fsprogs guys.

> Where does this ext2 to ext2+ switch fall on a scale that goes from
> "users should not be compelled" to "users should be compelled"  to
> upgrade old systems?

"should not be" IMHO.

> Does this upgrade require user intervention?
> - if not then maybe do it in the background, over time?

I don't know -- you'd have to take it up with the e2fsprogs guys.

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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