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Re: alpha boot-floppies

>> Are you asking for boot-floppies write access?  
>Yes I am.
>>                                                  I don't have any
>> control over new-maintainer but I can add people who are *not* debian
>> developers to have write access to boot-floppies.  I would prefer if
>> you first send a patch to this list for review before you commit stuff
>> if you're new to all this though, at least for the first round...
>Ok, I appended patch for CVS tree.
>This patch makes it possible that you finish 'make release' for alpha, 
>but only for sub-architecture of 'generic'.

Ick.  Some parts of this patch is too nasty to apply.  I'll go though
and tell you why...

>> We have this but I think it only works on i386.  See
>> scripts/rootdisk/mklibs.sh.  Perhaps someone could get it working for
>> the other architectures?
>I am looking into that.

That would be excellent...

>diff -uNr boot-floppies-cvs.orig/Makefile boot-floppies/Makefile
>--- boot-floppies-cvs.orig/Makefile	Thu Nov 25 20:01:14 1999
>+++ boot-floppies/Makefile	Thu Nov 25 22:09:51 1999
>@@ -101,9 +101,10 @@
> #### alpha part
> kernelalpha		:= ../kernel-image-$(kver)-
>-alpha_arches		:= avanti xl xlt cabriolet eb66 eb66p eb64p eb164 pc164 \
>-      lx164 sx164 jensen noname takara mikasa noritake alcor \
>-      miata miata-s sable sable-g book1 ruffian 
>+# alpha_arches		:= avanti xl xlt cabriolet eb66 eb66p eb64p eb164 pc164 \
>+#       lx164 sx164 jensen noname takara mikasa noritake alcor \
>+#       miata miata-s sable sable-g book1 ruffian 
>+alpha_arches		:= generic
> alpha_rescue_targets	:= $(alpha_arches:%=resc1440_%.bin)
> alpha_drivers_targets	:= $(alpha_arches:%=drv1440_%.bin)

You've eliminated all the alpha subarchitectures.  That would be nice
if it were true but I'm afraid it's not.

>@@ -320,7 +321,9 @@
> 			root.tar.gz
> else
> ifeq ($(architecture), alpha)
>-	$(MAKE) $(alpha_rescue_targets) $(alpha_drivers_targets) root1440.bin
>+#	$(MAKE) $(alpha_rescue_targets) $(alpha_drivers_targets) root1440.bin
>+	$(MAKE) $(alpha_rescue_targets) $(alpha_drivers_targets)
>+#  we can not make root1444.bin for now, because of too large root.bin.
> else
> 	echo unsupported architecture: $(architecture); false
> endif

We need to solve this problem, not hack-around it in the top level

>@@ -1024,7 +1026,12 @@
> 		$(arch_rootdisk_deps) \
> 		rootdisk.sh common.sh Makefile keymaps.tgz \
> 		utilities/dbootstrap/dbootstrap
>-		./rootdisk.sh "" $(archive) 3200 $(debianversion) "" $(LINGUA) "$(FONT)" $(SFONT)
>+	case $(architecture) in \
>+	alpha)	./rootdisk.sh "" $(archive) 5400 $(debianversion) "" $(LINGUA) "$(FONT)" $(SFONT)\
>+		;;\
>+	*)	./rootdisk.sh "" $(archive) 3200 $(debianversion) "" $(LINGUA) "$(FONT)" $(SFONT)\
>+		;;\
>+	esac
> root-graphical.bin:	$(shell find scripts/rootdisk -type f ) \
> 		$(shell find utilities -type f ) \

Ditto -- 5400 is too big to actually fit on a floppy.

>diff -uNr boot-floppies-cvs.orig/basedisks.sh boot-floppies/basedisks.sh
>--- boot-floppies-cvs.orig/basedisks.sh	Thu Nov 25 20:01:14 1999
>+++ boot-floppies/basedisks.sh	Thu Nov 25 20:26:06 1999
>@@ -122,6 +122,8 @@
> # any architecture-dependant devices
> case "$arch" in
> 	alpha)
>+		(cd $B/dev && /dev/MAKEDEV loop std hdc hdd hde hdf hdg hdh sdc sdd sde sdf sdg sdh )
>+		testexit
> 		;;
> 	i386)
> 		(cd $B/dev && /sbin/MAKEDEV isdn-io eda edb sonycd mcd mcdx cdu535 lmscd sbpcd aztcd bpcd dac960)

This is completely unnecessary.  On line 119 above we make all these
devices already.

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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