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Re: Bug#43058: bootdisk: root.bin gzipped on CDs.

>> Patrik, the file wasn't shipped as root.bin.gz, was it?
>Nope. It was just root.bin, but it was gzipped. Just as you find it on
>official debian 2.1 CD #1.
>My bet is that while syslinux finds out the ram disk image is compressed
>and does the right thing, loadlin does not.
>About trying the older kernel - I remember that I have had the very same
>problem with debian 2.0, so it has been perhaps like this for ages...

Ok -- I'm pretty sure the problem is just that our "install from DOS"
system is really screwy right now...

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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