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Re: automatic installation

[this doesn't belong to -devel...]

On Sat, Jul 10, 1999 at 01:26:38AM +0200, Massimo Dal Zotto wrote:
> An install program written entirely in C can maybe save some disk space but
> is very rigid and difficult to understand and customize. In my opinion this
> kind of things should be implemented as shell script whenever possible.
> They are much easier to write, to debug and change if needed.


> My install program is written as zsh script. It makes use of external tools,
> like grep, awk, sed, and of whiptail to present nicely formatted messages
> and user interaction dialogs. I choose zsh instead of ash because it is 99%
> compatible with sh and bash, it has history and completion and it is much
> smaller than bash. I didn't ever consider using C or any other compiled
> language. Debugging a C program in a 4MB ramdisk is only for masochists.

I have to agree with this approach. But wouldn't Perl be
faster/more powerful? (I really hate Perl as a language and I
really love zsh as a shell, but not the other way around)

Also, does your -getconfig program support any kind of
network-centric installation? (see my other message for what I
mean and what I'd like to see)

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