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Re: Announce (and question): Masquerading PPP server based on Debian

On Fri, 8 Jan 1999, Ben Pfaff wrote:

> Question: Would this system be useful to others?  If so, how do you
> suggest that I release it?  I have a certain amount of ftp space
> available to me, enough that I could put up a full binary and source
> release.

Yes, very -- two weeks ago I set up just a system for my girlfriend's
non-profit organization:  IP masquerading for 10.x network, diald for
access to the Internet, samba for filesharing, as well as misc apps inc
StarOffice which allowed it to be used as a workstation as well.

The web administration sounds useful -- at the moment I fix things if they
go wrong by ringing the machine's line 4 times, xringd brings up the
Internet link, irquery registers the IP with DDNS.org and then I ssh in to
see what's up.

> Have there been other `Debian-based' systems like this in the past?
> What have they done?

see above -- saved them thousands vs. comparable nt 'solution' which was
their alternative.


thomas lakofski

please forgive my abrupt ending hre - but my conection is  
xtrememleyyhiclmelyey      BAD hiccuppy etc must sign off - 
EF D8 33 68 B3 E3 E9 D2  C1 3E 51 22 8A AA 7B 98

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