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Re: Arabic translation is complete (100 % done)

Hello Dennis:

Well it took me 4 hours of CVS check out and check in and data massage and it took Ossama Khayat (main translator) close to 1 week in total to finish almost everything.

Thanks for the heads up on the identical translation issue. I will get the guys to make sure we have some consistency in our translation. We will attend to that next week as I am waiting for the msgids to stabilize.

Fair enough. if Alastair is really busy then i will try and recruite somebody to work on newt.

Thanks alot.

anmar Oueja

Denis Barbier wrote:
On Wed, Jan 07, 2004 at 01:48:50PM -0800, Anmar Oueja wrote:

I am happy to note that Arabic translation of d-i is 100 % complete.

I will be checking in the code sometime today.

Now that the translation is complete, it would be nice to be able to use it ;).

Debian installer will require bidi and shaping patches. Bidi is a lib that can be plugged in. Not exactly sure how it works. but shaping is an actual code that must be written from scratch. We (http://www.arabeyes.org) have some samples of shaping code (patched Vim 6.2) that can be studied. it is a simple piece of code to right any way.

Do you have an estimation of how many hours are needed to translate
everything from scratch?  This might be interesting to know, if some
other translators want to add a new language.

As several translators were involved on your side, some identical msgids
have different translations.  This is not a big deal, but is easy to fix,
you could get
and check for "#-#-#-#-#-#-#" strings, they delimit such msgstrs.  You
can then choose the best alternative and fix other packages.

Also Alastair seems very busy these days, maybe someone from arabeyes.org
could try to hack newt, you are the ones who know what to do ;)
Of course we will try to help if we can.


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