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Re: MacOS floppy creation

> On Sat, May 26, 2001 at 10:06:09AM -0700, Chris Tillman wrote:
>> Well, that would require Script Editor, which is not normally installed on
>> the system (it's in the Applescript Extras folder on the MacOS CD).
>> Applescript itself is a system extension with no UI of its own.
> unless apple changed something very recently this is not true, script
> editor has been installed on the hard disk (in AppleExtras) since
> system 7.5. i vividly remember having to remove it from the default
> install on machines at a school where i took care of some 60+ macs.
> (to slightly discourage all sorts of annoying behavior).

I see.

>> Of course, the text file could be distributed alongside the executable,
>> droppable script.
> if you choose the GPL as the licence that would seem to be necessary.

Of course! but it sounds like you'd rather just have the text file and put
instructions for Script Editor into the install docs.
> the problem is whether macbinary files can be put onto ISO9660/HFS
> hybrid CDs or not, and how much of a pain in the ass that is to
> accomplish in the CD image build process.  (mkhybrid has some options
> on this iirc).  if its feasable to have macbinary files built into the
> CD in an unpacked state (on the HFS half of the CD) that would be
> useful to also eliminate all .sit files from the CD images.  (at the
> very least any .sit files, including bootx should be replaced with
> .bin files in a .tar.gz)

I agree completely, .sit is undesirable in any Debian mirror. When you say
'unpacked state', are you thinking the files would be stored on the CD in
native Mac format with icons, resources, et al? That seems feasible on any
HFS filesystem, CDs included.

I think Mac executable files should be uploaded to cvs in .hqx format, and
then just copied to ftp/http archives without any conversion. If there are
multiple executable utilities in one place, maybe it makes sense to .tar.gz
them all together into one file.

But for the CDs, it seems like the build process could use macutils to
de-binhex the compiled files to place them on the HFS half as native Mac


Chris Tillman

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