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Re: Where is the base tarball?

On Thu, May 24, 2001 at 04:20:54AM -0400, Adam Di Carlo wrote:
> Nope, you're right.  But there's really no going back now.
> Perhaps someone could work through a patch to debootstrap that would
> be able to use a dir with all the packages smooshed flat there?

that won't handle the broken filenames, or the complete
unreasonablness of asking users to sift through /debian/pool/main/*
trying to figure out what they need to download. 

IMO debootstrap needs to support a tarball method where it fetches
debs out of a tarball.  but if not then i guess we will have to accept
that debian can be installed only with direct internet access or via
CDROM.  not via hard disk.  

i would think it should not be hard to modify debootstrap to build a
tarball of the debs it wants in order to make a sortof base2_3.tar
(except containing .debs instead of a root filesystem).  on the other
end of the process it shouldn't be hard for it to use tar to extract
the file it wants instead of wgetting it from http or whatever it

again ignore me if i am missing something obvious again.  

Ethan Benson

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