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Re: Setup a Desktop Environment for Debian Blends

Hi Stefan,

Am Sat, Apr 15, 2023 at 08:54:31AM +0000 schrieb Stefan Kropp:
> Hello,
> I would like to setup a Desktop Environment (IceWM) for a Debian
> Blend project (DebianJr).
> I wonder if there is a generic solution in the Debian Blend
> Framework which can be used.
> I have started to work on some basic setup for a live system [1].
> I would like to provide a set of configuration files for the
> Debian Junior Users.
>  * Configuration of the IceWM Window Manager
>  * Documentation: e.g. symlinks in the $HOME to /usr/share/doc/...
>  * Additional files (icons for toolbar)
> My idea was to create a new package #1012463 [2] which contains
> all information (configuration, files, documentation).
> Maybe there is already another way to provide this within the
> blend framework?

There is nothing I'd be aware of but it would be nice to have in some
generic way to adapt for all Blends.

> The second question is: How can I "activate" a Blend for a user?

I once experimented with user menus for users that can be selected via
debconf.  Looking back from today this was kind of overengineering and
did not continued with this.
> I found some information "User roles" in the blends handbook, but
> I'm not sure about how I can use it.

The Debian user menu was the only application for these roles.

Kind regards
> [1] https://salsa.debian.org/debian-jr-team/debian-junior-live-system/-/tree/master/config/includes.chroot_after_packages/home/user
> [2] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1012463
> [3] https://blends.debian.org/blends/ch06.html#menu_tools


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