Processed: blends-tasks must not be priority:important (was Re: Bug#846002: Lowering severity)
Processing control commands:
> reassign -1 tech-ctte
Bug #846002 [src:blends] blends-tasks must be priority:standard and not make a mess out of tasksel menu
Bug reassigned from package 'src:blends' to 'tech-ctte'.
Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #846002 to the same values previously set
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #846002 to the same values previously set
> retitle -1 blends-tasks must not be priority:important
Bug #846002 [tech-ctte] blends-tasks must be priority:standard and not make a mess out of tasksel menu
Changed Bug title to 'blends-tasks must not be priority:important' from 'blends-tasks must be priority:standard and not make a mess out of tasksel menu'.
Debian Bug Tracking System
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