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[PATCH] Add generate_bibtex.py: Make use of a separate script for generation of debian.{bib,tex} files

From: Akshita Jha <akshita-guest@users.alioth.debian.org>

 config-ullmann.yaml           |   5 ++
 scripts/cron_ftpnew_blends.sh |   2 +
 udd/bibref_gatherer.py        | 113 +----------------------------
 udd/generate_bibtex.py        | 165 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 175 insertions(+), 110 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 udd/generate_bibtex.py

diff --git a/config-ullmann.yaml b/config-ullmann.yaml
index 901550e..5764565 100644
--- a/config-ullmann.yaml
+++ b/config-ullmann.yaml
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ general:
     i18n-apps: module udd.i18n_apps_gatherer
     hints: module udd.hints_gatherer
     deferred: module udd.deferred_gatherer
+    generate-bibtex: module udd.generate_bibtex
   timestamp-dir: /srv/udd.debian.org/timestamps
   lock-dir: /srv/udd.debian.org/locks
@@ -471,3 +472,7 @@ vcswatch:
   type: reproducible
+  type: generate-bibtex
diff --git a/scripts/cron_ftpnew_blends.sh b/scripts/cron_ftpnew_blends.sh
index fc0d087..fbc7daa 100755
--- a/scripts/cron_ftpnew_blends.sh
+++ b/scripts/cron_ftpnew_blends.sh
@@ -11,3 +11,5 @@ $UAR ftpnew
 $UAR blends-prospective
 # $UAR blends-metadata
 $UAR blends-all
+$UAR generate-bibtex
diff --git a/udd/bibref_gatherer.py b/udd/bibref_gatherer.py
index 654d7e7..bfff5b4 100644
--- a/udd/bibref_gatherer.py
+++ b/udd/bibref_gatherer.py
@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@ This script imports bibliographic references from upstream-metadata.debian.net.
 from gatherer import gatherer
 from sys import stderr, exit
-from os import listdir, unlink, rename, access, X_OK
-from os.path import isfile
+from os import listdir
 from fnmatch import fnmatch
 import yaml
 from psycopg2 import IntegrityError, InternalError
@@ -23,43 +22,9 @@ debug=0
 def get_gatherer(connection, config, source):
   return bibref_gatherer(connection, config, source)
-def rm_f(file):
-  try:
-    unlink(file)
-  except OSError:
-    pass
-def cleanup_tex_logs(basetexfile):
-  rm_f(basetexfile+'.aux')
-  rm_f(basetexfile+'.bbl')
-  rm_f(basetexfile+'.blg')
-  rm_f(basetexfile+'.log')
 # seek for authors separated by ',' rather than by ' and '
 seek_broken_authors_re = re.compile('^[^\s^,]+\s+[^\s^,]+\s*,\s*[^\s^,]+\s+[^\s^,]')
-def open_tex_process(texexe, basetexfile):
-  if texexe == 'pdflatex':
-    ptex = Popen(['pdflatex', '-interaction=batchmode', basetexfile], shell=False, stdout=PIPE)
-  elif texexe == 'bibtex':
-    ptex = Popen(['bibtex', basetexfile], shell=False, stdout=PIPE)
-  else:
-    return(False, 'Wrong exe: '+texexe)
-  errstring=""
-  if ptex.wait():
-    if texexe == 'pdflatex':
-      for logrow in ptex.communicate()[0].splitlines():
-        if logrow.startswith('!'):
-          errstring += logrow
-      return(False, errstring)
-    else:
-      for logrow in ptex.communicate()[0].splitlines():
-        if logrow.startswith('This is BibTeX'):
-          continue
-        errstring += logrow + '\n'
-      return(True, errstring)
-  return(True, errstring)
 other_known_keys = ('Archive',
@@ -297,10 +262,6 @@ class bibref_gatherer(gatherer):
-    self.bibtexfile = 'debian.bib'
-    self.bibtex_example_tex = 'debian.tex'
   def run(self):
     my_config = self.my_config
     #start harassing the DB, preparing the final inserts and making place
@@ -364,77 +325,9 @@ class bibref_gatherer(gatherer):
     # commit before check to make sure the table is not locked in case LaTeX run will fail for whatever reason
-    # if there is a working LaTeX installation try to build a BibTeX database and test it by creating a debian.pdf file
-    if isfile('/usr/bin/pdflatex') and access('/usr/bin/pdflatex', X_OK) and \
-       isfile('/usr/bin/bibtex')   and access('/usr/bin/bibtex', X_OK) and \
-       ( isfile('/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/fonts/source/jknappen/ec/ecrm.mf') or \
-         isfile('/usr/share/texmf-texlive/fonts/source/jknappen/ec/ecrm.mf') ) :
-      # create BibTeX file
-      bf = open(self.bibtexfile, 'w')
-      cur.execute("SELECT * FROM bibtex()")
-      for row in cur.fetchall():
-	print >>bf, row[0]
-      bf.close()
-      # create LaTeX file to test BibTeX functionality
-      bf = open(self.bibtex_example_tex, 'w')
-      print >>bf, """\documentclass[10]{article}
-\\bf package & \\bf source & \\bf description & BibTeX key \\\\ \hline"""
-      cur.execute("SELECT * FROM bibtex_example_data() AS (package text, source text, bibkey text, description text)")
-      for row in cur.fetchall():
-	print >>bf, row[0], '&', row[1], '&', row[3] , '&', row[2]+'\cite{'+row[2]+'} \\\\'
-      print >>bf, """\end{longtable}
-% \\bibliographystyle{plain}
-% Try a bit harder by also including URL+DOI
-      bf.close()
-      # try to build debian.pdf file to test aboc LaTeX file
-      basetexfile = self.bibtex_example_tex.replace('.tex','')
-      cleanup_tex_logs(basetexfile)
-      try:
-        rename(basetexfile+'.pdf', basetexfile+'.pdf~')
-      except OSError:
-        pass
-      (retcode,errstring) = open_tex_process('pdflatex', basetexfile)
-      if not retcode:
-        self.log.error("Problem in 1. PdfLaTeX run of %s.tex: `%s` --> please inspect %s.log" % (basetexfile, errstring, basetexfile))
-        exit(1)
-      (retcode,errstring) = open_tex_process('bibtex', basetexfile)
-      if errstring != "":
-        if not retcode:
-          self.log.error("Problem in BibTeX run of %s.bib: `%s`" % (basetexfile, errstring))
-          exit(1)
-        self.log.error("Ignore the following problems in BibTeX run of %s.bib: `%s`" % (basetexfile, errstring))
-      (retcode,errstring) = open_tex_process('pdflatex', basetexfile)
-      if not retcode:
-        self.log.error("Problem in 2. PdfLaTeX run of %s.tex: `%s` --> please inspect %s.log" % (basetexfile, errstring, basetexfile))
-        exit(1)
-      (retcode,errstring) = open_tex_process('pdflatex', basetexfile)
-      if not retcode:
-        self.log.error("Problem in 3. PdfLaTeX run of %s.tex: `%s` --> please inspect %s.log" % (basetexfile, errstring, basetexfile))
-        exit(1)
-      cleanup_tex_logs(basetexfile)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
 # vim:set et tabstop=2:
diff --git a/udd/generate_bibtex.py b/udd/generate_bibtex.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80002e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/udd/generate_bibtex.py
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+This script creates debian.bib and debian.tex files for bibliographic references.
+from gatherer import  gatherer
+from os import unlink, rename, access, X_OK
+from os.path import isfile
+from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
+import logging
+import logging.handlers
+debug = 0
+def get_gatherer(connection, config, source):
+  return generate_bibtex(connection, config, source)
+def rm_f(file):
+  try:
+    unlink(file)
+  except OSError:
+    pass
+def cleanup_tex_logs(basetexfile):
+  rm_f(basetexfile+'.aux')
+  rm_f(basetexfile+'.bbl')
+  rm_f(basetexfile+'.blg')
+  rm_f(basetexfile+'.log')
+def open_tex_process(texexe, basetexfile):
+  if texexe == 'pdflatex':
+    ptex = Popen(['pdflatex', '-interaction=batchmode', basetexfile], shell=False, stdout=PIPE)
+  elif texexe == 'bibtex':
+    ptex = Popen(['bibtex', basetexfile], shell=False, stdout=PIPE)
+  else:
+    return(False, 'Wrong exe: '+texexe)
+  errstring=""
+  if ptex.wait():
+    if texexe == 'pdflatex':
+      for logrow in ptex.communicate()[0].splitlines():
+        if logrow.startswith('!'):
+          errstring += logrow
+      return(False, errstring)
+    else:
+      for logrow in ptex.communicate()[0].splitlines():
+        if logrow.startswith('This is BibTeX'):
+          continue
+        errstring += logrow + '\n'
+      return(True, errstring)
+  return(True, errstring)
+class generate_bibtex(gatherer):
+  """
+  Generate a debian.bib and debian.tex files
+  """
+  def __init__(self, connection, config, source):
+    gatherer.__init__(self, connection, config, source)
+    self.log = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
+    if debug==1:
+        self.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+    else:
+        self.log.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+    handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(filename=self.__class__.__name__+'.log',mode='w')
+    formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - (%(lineno)d): %(message)s")
+    handler.setFormatter(formatter)
+    self.log.addHandler(handler)
+    self.bibtexfile = 'debian.bib'
+    self.bibtex_example_tex = 'debian.tex'
+    self.all_ref = 0	# to include all references from bibref table set this to 1
+  def run(self):
+    cur = self.cursor()
+    # if there is a working LaTeX installation try to build a BibTeX database and test it by creating a debian.pdf file
+    if isfile('/usr/bin/pdflatex') and access('/usr/bin/pdflatex', X_OK) and \
+       isfile('/usr/bin/bibtex')   and access('/usr/bin/bibtex', X_OK) and \
+       ( isfile('/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/fonts/source/jknappen/ec/ecrm.mf') or \
+         isfile('/usr/share/texmf-texlive/fonts/source/jknappen/ec/ecrm.mf') ) :
+      # create BibTeX file
+      bf = open(self.bibtexfile, 'w')
+      if self.all_ref == 1:
+        query = "SELECT * FROM bibtex()"
+      else:
+      	query = "SELECT * FROM bibtex_debian_pool()"
+      cur.execute(query)  
+      for row in cur.fetchall():
+          print >>bf, row[0]
+      bf.close()
+      # create LaTeX file to test BibTeX functionality
+      bf = open(self.bibtex_example_tex, 'w')
+      print >>bf, """\documentclass[10]{article}
+\\bf package & \\bf source & \\bf description & BibTeX key \\\\ \hline"""
+      cur.execute("SELECT * FROM bibtex_example_data() AS (package text, source text, bibkey text, description text)")
+      for row in cur.fetchall():
+  	print >>bf, row[0], '&', row[1], '&', row[3] , '&', row[2]+'\cite{'+row[2]+'} \\\\'
+      print >>bf, """\end{longtable}
+% \\bibliographystyle{plain}
+% Try a bit harder by also including URL+DOI
+      bf.close()
+      # try to build debian.pdf file to test aboc LaTeX file
+      basetexfile = self.bibtex_example_tex.replace('.tex','')
+      cleanup_tex_logs(basetexfile)
+      try:
+        rename(basetexfile+'.pdf', basetexfile+'.pdf~')
+      except OSError:
+        pass
+      (retcode,errstring) = open_tex_process('pdflatex', basetexfile)
+      if not retcode:
+        self.log.error("Problem in 1. PdfLaTeX run of %s.tex: `%s` --> please inspect %s.log" % (basetexfile, errstring, basetexfile))
+        exit(1)
+      (retcode,errstring) = open_tex_process('bibtex', basetexfile)
+      if errstring != "":
+        if not retcode:
+          self.log.error("Problem in BibTeX run of %s.bib: `%s`" % (basetexfile, errstring))
+          exit(1)
+        self.log.error("Ignore the following problems in BibTeX run of %s.bib: `%s`" % (basetexfile, errstring))
+      (retcode,errstring) = open_tex_process('pdflatex', basetexfile)
+      if not retcode:
+        self.log.error("Problem in 2. PdfLaTeX run of %s.tex: `%s` --> please inspect %s.log" % (basetexfile, errstring, basetexfile))
+        exit(1)
+      (retcode,errstring) = open_tex_process('pdflatex', basetexfile)
+      if not retcode:
+        self.log.error("Problem in 3. PdfLaTeX run of %s.tex: `%s` --> please inspect %s.log" % (basetexfile, errstring, basetexfile))
+        exit(1)
+      cleanup_tex_logs(basetexfile)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  main()

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