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Re: [GSoC] Prospective packages importer

Hi Akshita,

On Fri, Aug 14, 2015 at 01:29:26PM +0530, Akshita Jha wrote:
> I have made some changes in blends_metadata_gatherer. How can I test it ? I
> tried $ ./update-and-run.sh blends-all.

In principle it would be sufficient to do

    ./update-and-run.sh blend-med

since importing only one Blend is faster and Debian Med has the largest
amount of prospective packages.  However, the importer is doing some
housekeeping whether a task file was seen before or not.  There is a
hashkey in the table blends_tasks.  So if the tasks files remain
unchanged nothing will happen.

Consequently you have two options:  Either you do

    update blends_tasks set hashkey = '' where blend='debian-med' and task = 'bio';

before you run the command above.  Or alternatively you create a script
say only-run.sh containing


  $DIR/udd.py $CONFIG run "$@"

and change for instance


by adding some space or whetever change you do to modify the hash sum
and run only-run.sh (to make sure that the remote Git is not queried for
the "correct" task file.

Both ways should work sufficiently well to test your new code.

Hope this helps



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