Re: Bug#703402: PTS: link to the blends website for packages involved in blends
On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 05:05:33PM +0100, Andreas Tille wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 04:28:14PM +0800, Paul Wise wrote:
> > Blend: Debian Med
> > Task: Biology
> > Task-name: med-bio
> > URL:
> > Packages: abacas acedb-other ....
> >
> > Blend: Debian Med
> > Task: Biology development
> > Task-name: med-bio-dev
> > URL:
> > Packages: bioperl bioperl-run
> CREATE TABLE blends_metadata (
> -- fieldname type, -- example value
> blend TEXT, -- 'debian-med' (== the source package name)
> blendname TEXT, -- 'Debian Med' (== human readable name)
> projecturl TEXT, -- ''
> tasksprefix TEXT, -- 'med'
> PRIMARY KEY (blend)
> );
Commited to UDD Git.
> CREATE TABLE blends_tasks (
> -- fieldname type, -- example value
> blend TEXT REFERENCES blends_metadata,
> task TEXT, -- 'bio'
> PRIMARY KEY (blend, task)
> );
Commited to UDD Git with additional flag
metapackage BOOLEAN
to reflect the fact whether a metapackage should be created or not
(which is part of the data in a tasks file).
> CREATE TABLE blends_packages (
> -- fieldname type, -- example_value
> blend TEXT REFERENCES blends_metadata,
> task TEXT REFERENCES blends_tasks,
> package TEXT, -- 'gromacs'
> PRIMARY KEY (blend, task, package)
> )
Needs to be implemented. I will add two additional columns
dependency CHARACTER(1) CHECK (dependency IN ('d', 's')), -- Depends / Suggests
distribution TEXT CHECK (distribution IN ('debian', 'prospective', 'ubuntu', 'other')),
With the package information there is the following problem regarding
the usage in PTS: The different versions of the metapackages (in
oldstable, stable, testing) might contain different dependencies and
finally packages that are in unstable only are also not part of the
metapackages but topic of the Blends task. Because I assume that PTS is
developer centric I would assume that you consider any dependency
mentioned in the tasks file and available in Debian should be part
of the output JSON database, right?
Kind regards
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